Friday, July 11, 2008

Misinterpreting signs

So, I got confused by these things in Prescott this last weekend and had my picture taken with them.


Camille said...

Oh, if only I had your sense of humor. You "crack" me up!! Get it?! lol

Matt Ras said...

No, Camille, I don't get it. Please expound on that. Help me understand.

Mary said...

Fabulous picture, Matt. I'd like an 8x10 please for my mantel. Clint wanted me to write something about a buttload of crap but I told him it wasn't appropriate for this forum.

peter said...

Careful what you wish for, Mary...

grapeape said...

oh Matt...some things never change, eh?!?! :) seems like something you and Jason would've done back at Sears Teleservice...who knows though; Jason might've very well shown off his bare butt!! now that's scary..!

Steph said...

Gee, we don't have those here...we must be BEHIND the times. Couldn't resist.

Cous Steph

Maren said...

didnt expect anything different from my brother!! glad you keep us laughing!