Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Fun!

So, one month down, one and a half to go! Summer has been very nice and relaxed for the Rasmussens thus far. I love the lazy, somewhat slower pace that summer seems to take on. The kids have swim team/lessons every evening, but other than that we are just free to play and enjoy our HOT summer days. Here are some things we have done to entertain the troops:

Sleepovers with siblings - isn't that what summer is all about?!?

Sadie and Abbie at their summer dance recital with famed dance instructor Caitlin McGrath.

Swimming with cousins, or really anyone that shows up in our back yard.

Drex got an expander put on about a week and a half ago. This is our first experience with orthodontia. We have to turn the key twice a day and I was pretty worried that it would hurt him a lot, but he's been really good about it. They said we would notice a big gap between his two front teeth after awhile. Sure enough. . . . Now he's twins with his mom!

Building forts. This has been a favorite pass-time, but this one the kids built with cousins Jake and Trevor was pretty much the mother-load. It came complete with a master suite, two guest bedrooms, a living room, family room and bathroom. The kids slept in it for a couple of nights until mom (I'm such a meanie) insisited that they clean it up before Sunday.

Pretty much just being silly. Also a favorite pass-time.

Teaching baby sister how to eat popsicles. Okay, so I'm not just a mean mom, I'm a bad mom!

Making edible play-dough. The kids loved this, and the best part was, we had lunch already made that day!


Mary said...

I'm so glad you updated--I was worried that something was wrong.

peter said...

Edible Play-Doh?! You MUST share the recipe!

(Not that most kids don't try and eat it...)

Maren said...

what a fun filled summer! i need to be better like you at doing activities with brynlee. she is probably bored to death! p.s. check out drexys choppers. his crossbite is almost gone! hooray for orthodontia!! glad all is well with the hyrax.

The Payne family said...

Ames, is that sweet pool in your backyard? Man, I haven't been over in awhile huh? I wish I could just come and spend the day lounging with fam.

Angie said...

Wow! I'm so glad you updated! What a bunch of fun pictures.
*I love all the fun sleepovers they're having with each other. Tent city (ha!) looked awesome.
*I love that you put the slide right into the pool. Who needs an underground?!?!
*Drex is the bomb with his orthodontia. He's such a trooper to not complain. I can't believe how old he's getting. And more handsome every time I see him.
*Atlie eating the popsicle made me laugh. So cute. I think the more kids you have, the more relaxed you get.
*What's in the play-doh that makes it edible? Post the recipe for all of us looky-loos who want to know.

Keep those posts comin'!