So, one month down, one and a half to go! Summer has been very nice and relaxed for the Rasmussens thus far. I love the lazy, somewhat slower pace that summer seems to take on. The kids have swim team/lessons every evening, but other than that we are just free to play and enjoy our HOT summer days. Here are some things we have done to entertain the troops:
Sleepovers with siblings - isn't that what summer is all about?!?
Swimming with cousins, or really anyone that shows up in our back yard.
Building forts. This has been a favorite pass-time, but this one the kids built with cousins Jake and Trevor was pretty much the mother-load. It came complete with a master suite, two guest bedrooms, a living room, family room and bathroom. The kids slept in it for a couple of nights until mom (I'm such a meanie) insisited that they clean it up before Sunday.
Pretty much just being silly. Also a favorite pass-time.
Teaching baby sister how to eat popsicles. Okay, so I'm not just a mean mom, I'm a bad mom!
Making edible play-dough. The kids loved this, and the best part was, we had lunch already made that day!